1.This process can be used for barrel and rack.it is fast to sand and uniform distribution, no pinhole and black spots, not easy to leave fingerprints on the product.
2.The plating layer of three - dimensional photographic white, not easy to scratch, good wear resistance.
3.It can freely adjust sand thickness, adapt to different product quality, continuous production process will not produce oil-like products, it is easy to operate and wide range of application.
1.Operation condition:(as rack plating for example)
400-450g/L of nickel sulfate, nickel chloride 35-45g/L, boric acid 35-45g/L, positioning agent A 10-15ml/L, assistant agent B 6-10 ml/L C, sand agent C 0.8-1.5 ml/L, pH 4.0-4.6, temperature 50-58℃, cathode current density 3-5A/dm2, time 1-5, stirring suspended filtering plating production, after work with carbon filter, plating to cathode movement.
2.1000AHconsumption addition:
positioning agent A 130-200ML, assistant agent B 100-180ml,sand agent C 150-220 ML
3.Product catalog:Positioning agent A, assistant agent B ,sand agent C